Rock Weekly – 8/1

The last week of July passed more quickly than a San Francisco summer with a deep-dive into Lean Startup principles, practical exercises to organize information on users, and of course a bit of time socialize and relax. The week began with our weekly Cooper workshop, where we were put to work outlining and organizing research and creating personas. Midweek, we took a break with a pre-screening of the awesome documentary film Connected.

cooper design session with Cake Health

On Thursday, Eric Ries shared insights into the Lean Startup Methodology.  We all wondered how lean startup methodology can apply to an industry such as healthcare…  Eric responded to the tough questions with thoughtful answers that were everything but sugarcoated. See what you missed from the talk here.

Halle Tecco & Eric Ries

To end our week, Skimble threw a happy hour filled with delicious food, good company and cold drinks. And no Skimble happy hour would be complete without a few fitness challenges, including the plank push-up contest.  Check out photos and a video on the Skimble Blog.

Rock Health in the News:

Events & Opportunities:

Brain Candy:

Quote of the Week:
“If you don’t know who your customer is, you don’t know what quality is.” –Eric Ries