Mark Shankar
Former Research Fellow
Mark Shankar is a Chief Resident in Emergency Medicine at New York Presbyterian-Columbia/Cornell. He studied Molecular & Cell Biology at UC Berkeley and obtained his MD from George Washington University. While in medical school, Mark worked at the White House on innovation policy. More recently, he is active in the mobile health space as one of the developers of the mHealth Toolbox, empowering physicians to create and deploy game changing mobile technology in their practices.
Was once interviewed for an unknown Spanish documentary while eating lunch on the Cal campus—and is still on a search for what happened to this alleged documentary
Moonlights as a covert prankster
Has an unhealthy obsession with airline loyalty programs, sometimes taking long, round-about routes to get to very nearby places
Mark Shankar is a Chief Resident in Emergency Medicine at New York Presbyterian-Columbia/Cornell. He studied Molecular & Cell Biology at UC Berkeley and obtained his MD from George Washington University. While in medical school, Mark worked at the White House on innovation policy. More recently, he is active in the mobile health space as one of the developers of the mHealth Toolbox, empowering physicians to create and deploy game changing mobile technology in their practices.
Was once interviewed for an unknown Spanish documentary while eating lunch on the Cal campus—and is still on a search for what happened to this alleged documentary
Moonlights as a covert prankster
Has an unhealthy obsession with airline loyalty programs, sometimes taking long, round-about routes to get to very nearby places