July 5, 2011
the rock weekly 7/5

staying fit with skimble
As the rain came down outside on the busy streets of Chinatown, we hunkered down for a productive week. Some teams met with our creative director Leslie to work on branding, others had office hours with our partners and mentors, and Skimble even launched their app on Android. By Thursday evening, all the teams were looking forward to a relaxing fellows dinner to share product concepts, commiserated over obstacles, and plotted possible solutions. It was right back to work Friday morning with only a short break to watch our valiant leader Halle Tecco and VC partner Patrick Chung on CNBC.
Rock Health in the news:
- Hot Startup: Rock Health (CNBC)
- Tracking Fitness with Skimble’s Maria Ly: Her Latest Mobile Apps for the Quantified Self (Women 2.0)
- MediBabble, The iPhone app that could save your life (Fast Company)
- Recap of the Apps & Activism Webinar (Wego Health)
Events & Opportunities:
- July 11-12 Healthcare Unbound Conference and Exhibition
- Data Design Diabetes Challenge is accepting applications through the month of July
- New York Venture Summit
Brain Candy:
- If airlines can get it, why can’t health? (Rock Health blog)
- Text message program for smokers doubles quit rate(Science Daily)
- Can an iPhone camera detect melanoma? (TechCrunch)
- Students Design a Smartphone App That Diagnoses Malaria (GOOD)
- Diabetes Hands Foundation launches mobile game (MobiHealthNews)