Storytelling ProTips from Cooper

By Nick Myers of Cooper Now that we’re just a few short weeks from demo day, we asked our friends at Cooper for their top presentation tips. What follows are a few tactical frameworks from Nick Myers, Managing Director of Visual Design and Branding. Create a...

Rock Weekly

            May 21, 2012 With all the buzz in digital health, it was hard to whittle down our favorite headlines this week. The highlights: Simplee raised $6M, Proteus raised $17.5M, and Dr. Oz’s startup raised $1.6M.  There were...

Join Access2Research & Free Taxpayer-Funded Research

By Rock Health Mentor John Wilbanks After years of fighting in the US Government trenches for open access to scholarly research, and after winning the battle to implement a public access policy at NIH, it has become clear that being on the right side of the issue is...