The impact of mass consolidation: what it means for disruptors
Hear from a mix of founders, policy-makers, and investors on the impact of this year’s mega-mergers on the startup health market and what it means for future industry disruptors. We’ve seen an unprecedented billions of capital flowing into new players in healthcare at the startup level just as this consolidation wave has taken hold. The panel will discuss where consolidation is driving opportunity: customer’s demand for choice, innovation and focus; and where health tech startups need to ensure coordination and cohesion with some of the market’s key players as they go from big to gigantic.
Hear from Collective Health Co-founder & CEO Ali Diab, Stride Health Co-founder & CEO Noah Lang and Janet Widman, Blue Shield of California’s former Executive VP with moderation by UC Berkeley Associate Director of Health Management Kimberly MacPherson.
Hear from other luminaries in digital health with even more videos from our fifth annual Rock Health Summit.