Join the e-Patient Movement

As a precursor to the 2011 e-Patient Connections conference, a group of 30 patients, industry thought leaders, and health activists gathered to discuss the future of a healthcare system where empowered, engaged, and educated electronically-connected patients take...

Anatomy of a user feedback session

User feedback is an extremely beneficial but oft maligned part of the design process. After all, isn’t it more fun to just build now and ask for input later? Well, maybe. But skip it in the beginning and middle and what you’re left with in the end is a...

The Rock Weekly – August 22

Last week we rock and rolled through a week of angel investors, Chinatown shenanigans and incredible mentors. Tuesday, Cooper Design hosted office hours and offered specific feedback on their products, scenarios and personas to ensure they are building them right from...

HealthFoo Recap

Last weekend a group of us Rock Healthers trekked to Boston for the first ever Health Foo.   Health Foo is a spin-off of Foo Camp–  a no-structure, no plan, weekend unconference hosted by Tim O’Reilly and co.  It was co-sponsored by the amazing RWJF and...