BREAKING: Apple officially announces HealthKit

Today, Apple announced its long-rumored move into digital health: HealthKit will integrate the growing ecosystem of

Top 10 Datasets for Health Hackers

We’ve seen glimpses of what big data can do to help provide solutions in healthcare–and we’re excited. Access to ...

Rock Weekly: EHRs have failed. This is why.

May 27, 2014 Last week, Vinod Khosla reiterated his idea that doctors can’t compete with machines (doctors beg to ...

26 Twitter accounts to follow to stay in the know about digital health

From doctors and reporters to investors and entrepreneurs, we wanted to share the Twitter accounts of people ...

Visual Wednesdays: The 2014 Mobile Health Index

Why are young Americans not going to the doctor? An apple-a-day keeps the doctor away but the inconvenience of ...

Meet the sixth group of Rock Health companies

It is with much excitement and pride that we present seven of the newest Rock Health startups, who are part of a ...

Rock Weekly: Meet the seven newest startups at Rock Health

Last week, after a Brookings Institution study declared that the US has become less entrepreneurialover time, we ...

From doctor to investor: What digital health VCs are most excited about

We caught up with healthcare aficianado-turned-investor Dr. Michael Matly to get his take on what’s missing in ...

Visual Wednesdays: Accountable Care Organizations, An Overview

Though Accountable Care Organizations existed before the Affordable Care Act, they got a big boost under its new ...

Rock Weekly: The next digital health IPO is…

May 12, 2014 We polled 100 investors on what will be the next digital health IPO and this is what they said. Send

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