Not your mother’s healthcare

March is around the corner—the time of year when we all belt out our best Shania Twain impressions in celebration of Women’s History Month. This year’s 30th anniversary of the landmark NIH Revitalization Act, which established guidelines for the inclusion of women and minorities in clinical research, makes news leading up to March all the more vital. In recent weeks, Natural Cycles secured funding to boost AI/ML efforts for fertility tracking, the FDA approved Perifit’s device for pelvic floor conditions, Ovia Health added menopause tracking features, and Axena Health raised Series A funding to address female incontinence.

While there’s a lot to celebrate, we’re also reflecting on the ways healthcare can better serve women+. Data from our 2022 Digital Health Consumer Adoption Survey showed that for the first time in eight years of Survey history, women reported using telemedicine, owning wearables, and digitally tracking health metrics at higher rates than men. However, differences among women respondents remain; for example, women in urban areas reported using live video telemedicine at a higher rate than women in rural and suburban areas. Both findings serve as important reminders that women+ have unique health needs that won’t be served by one-size-fits all solutions or programs.


60% of Americans Would Be Uncomfortable With Provider Relying On AI In Care
Survey also finds many see promise for AI to help reduce bias in medical care Pew Research Center

The FDA Plans To Regulate Far More AI Tools As Devices
FDA pivots from previously issued guidance, surprising some in the industry STAT

Albertsons Is Entering The Digital Health And Telehealth Space
Grocery chain launches a platform for digital wellness and health Forbes

Does Deidentification Of Data From Wearables Give Us A False Sense Of Security?
Researchers find that deidentification of data may not be sufficient The Lancet Digital Health

Apple Makes Major Progress On No-Prick Blood Glucose Tracking For Its Watch
Company hits major milestone in creating blood glucose monitor Bloomberg

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