Highway to health: Unlocking whole patient care through data interoperability

An overview of interoperability innovation and opportunities.

Assessing the clinical robustness of digital health startups

Key takeaways from our new peer-reviewed publication.

Startup innovation for underserved groups: 2021 digital health consumer adoption insights

How digital health tools are being used among historically marginalized groups.

Well, is digital health in a bubble or not?

An assessment of digital health’s frothiness, and what you should do about it.

10 Years of CEO Summit: Convening leaders on values, trust, and decision-making

Key takeaways from the 10th annual Digital Health CEO Summit.

Q1 2022 digital health funding: Staying the course in choppy waters

Q1 2022 U.S. digital health funding closed with $6.0B across 183 deals.

A health innovator’s guide to the tech galaxy

Vignettes of emerging technologies that are entering healthcare’s orbit.

Digital health enters the metaverse

An overview of digital health startups entering the metaverse, and future implications.

2021 year-end digital health funding: Seismic shifts beneath the surface

A review of 2021’s funding environment with a focus on the underlying changes beneath the surface’s venture stats.

Hindsight is 2021: Looking back and forward at key themes shaping digital health

Reflections and predictions for the new year.

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