Building a digital health company on the foundation of diversity: A Q&A with Collective Health CEO Ali Diab

Ali Diab has spent the past five years building Rock Health portfolio company Collective Health—a cloud-based, integrated health benefits platform that enables self-insured employers to get more out of their healthcare investment while taking better care of their people. With Ali at the helm, Collective has not only helped employers and their people dramatically drive healthcare costs down—it’s also kept the value of diversity at the forefront, closing the gender wage gap along the way.

Developing digital biomarkers: An interview with Evidation’s Co-founder and Chief Data Scientist, Luca Foschini, Ph.D.

Rock Health portfolio company Evidation Health is a new kind of health and measurement company that provides technology and guidance to understand how everyday behavior and health interact and measure how behaviors outside the doctor’s office or hospital impact health outcomes. Evidation’s Chief Data Scientist, Luca Foschini, sat down with us to provide insight into the current state of digital biomarkers and how their team leverages both deep data science expertise and healthcare knowledge.

Next-generation payers and providers: Setting a strategy for tech-enabled innovation

To capitalize on the shift to value-based care and consumer demand for a better healthcare experience, a new type of business has emerged: next-generation payers and providers (“NGPPs”). Without the constraints of legacy payment models and operating systems, these companies were created to deliver a reimagined service to patients, prioritizing health and outcomes over utilization. We interviewed five NGPPs to understand their technology-supported strategies, with a focus on how they’ve partnered with startups and how they expect to keep pace with future innovation.

What 600+ women told us about working in healthcare in 2018

Women are critical stakeholders in healthcare, serving as workers, caregivers, and consumers—yet they do not have an equal voice in the ranks of leadership. Our goal with this annual report is to contribute to a meaningful and actionable dialogue around women in leadership, with the hopes of providing a foundation for our industry to finally turn this dialogue into action.

How you can set the stage for gender parity at health innovation conferences

It’s clear healthcare industry conferences still have a long way to go to achieve inclusion of men and women at industry events. Of the ten healthcare technology conferences we reviewed, only three had equal representation of men and women speakers. We can do better—and we hope conference organizers will join us in committing to create more inclusive (and thus higher quality) conference experiences.

2018 Midyear funding review: Digital health déjà vu in yet another record breaking half

It’s déjà vu for digital health, with yet another record breaking half for venture funding. The continued upward trajectory from 2017 through the first half of 2018 is not a fluke. Instead, this sustained growth is indicative of the maturation one would expect from a stable, emerging investment sector (coupled with a strong overall venture ecosystem). Read on to learn our five key findings from this eventful half.

Five things we learned from industry leaders about AI in healthcare

While the Enterprise Insights Forum is invite-only, some tidbits were too good not to share. In our latest podcast episode, we recount the opening session of the day with Professor and Chair of the Department of Medicine at UCSF, Dr. Bob Wachter, and Google Ventures partner and physician-scientist Dr. Vineeta Agarwala exploring what algorithms will do for healthcare—and when. Read on for five key themes and takeaways from two of the day’s sessions about enterprise adoption of AI-driven innovation.

Nominate a patient, caregiver, or advocate to attend Rock Health Summit 2018

Do you know someone with a chronic illness, disease, or injury whose health experience has been impacted by technology? Their voices are integral to the conversations we have at Rock Health Summit. This year, we’re excited and honored to offer a handful of nominees complimentary passes and an opportunity to speak at the event. Nominate someone you know (or yourself) to attend.

Welcoming our newest partner, ZS

As 2018 nears the halfway point, we’re grateful for the support we’ve received thus far from our incredible industry partners and eagerly look ahead to the work that’s still left to be done. Tomorrow, we’ll convene 200 enterprise leaders, academics, entrepreneurs, and technologists for actionable conversations at our Enterprise Insights Forum. We know exponential improvements in healthcare are only possible when industry players come together and join forces to achieve more than can be accomplished alone. That’s why today, we’re excited to announce our partnership with ZS.

How should the FDA approach the regulation of AI and machine learning in healthcare?

Rock Health and Evidation convened experts to explore key questions—and we want to know what you think.

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