As April turns to May, the United States is preparing for another phase of the COVID-19 pandemic response: contact tracing. A public health intervention dating back to the 18th century is getting rolled out in fits and starts, often on a county by county basis and in limited cases statewide. Experts project the US will require roughly 300,000 human tracers to chart and break ongoing expansion of the pandemic. We currently have between 8,000 and 14,000.
After much anticipation, in early March, HHS released two final rules to implement interoperability and patient access provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act. Rock Health Managing Director & CEO Bill Evans caught up with two national healthcare leaders who played an integral role in ushering in this new regulatory era—HHS Deputy Secretary Eric Hargan and Google Chief Health Officer Dr. Karen DeSalvo. They discuss implications of the new rules, how stakeholders must balance data access with privacy protections, and the opportunities they see for innovation and collaboration going forward.
The pandemic is laying bare forces that present a moral obligation, alongside tremendous opportunity and formidable challenges, to the healthcare innovation community. Whatever you want to call it—Post-COVIDcare or the “new world order”—it’s time to see clearly and act accordingly.
Rock Health’s corporate partners are industry leaders in the healthcare ecosystem and beyond—they represent the nation's top health systems, local and national payers, global pharma organizations, and more. We are honored to partner with them every day as they advance the scalable adoption of innovative healthcare technologies, and particularly now, as they throw their energy and talents behind tackling the effects of COVID-19 head on. Here’s how our corporate partners are fighting the COVID-19 pandemic doing what they do best and more.
Digital health venture funding had its strongest start ever in 2020, with a prodigious $3.1B invested across Q1. In February the COVID-19 pandemic hit the US, sending an immediate shock through public markets. The twin crises of a global pandemic and massive economic shifts will rapidly impact all market sectors, including digital health. To assess the scale, direction, and timing of the impact, we surveyed twelve leading healthcare investors between March 16 and March 20, 2020 (and included our own response in the sample). Although the responses paint a somber picture of the emerging funding environment, there is a tangible sense of resolve to not waste this crisis—to leverage digital health solutions to immediately combat the pandemic and build on that momentum to radically reshape the way healthcare is delivered in the US and globally.
Digital solutions are enabling communication, surveillance, diagnostics, treatment, and expanded capacity when healthcare needs it most. Our portfolio companies have jumped into action—here’s a look at just a few of the ways they’re supporting patients, providers, and researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
There's Instagram and Instacart—but how close are we to Insta-health? While the healthcare experience is increasingly digital, privacy issues, the changing patient-physician relationship, and differences across population segments paint a more nuanced, complex picture of consumer behavior. And a critical question has yet to be fully answered—what value is flowing back to the patient?
In just one month, more than 40,000 leaders from all over the world will make their way to Orlando for HIMSS20, the biggest health IT gathering of the year. Between a keynote on investing from Yankees star Alex Rodriguez and five days of programming, we’re especially excited to get down to the nitty gritty of digital health investing at Health 2.0 VentureConnect on Wednesday, March 11
It was a whirlwind week with healthcare investors, entrepreneurs, bankers, and enterprise leaders descending on the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. After dozens of startup pitches, networking receptions galore, and hours spent rushing through the streets of San Francisco, we’re grateful for the energy and hustle we felt from the community working to make healthcare massively better.
Across the last decade, digital health has grown from a blip on the radar of investors to a robust sector receiving nearly one in ten venture dollars invested in the United States. In 2019, digital health saw six IPOs and the second-largest funding year on record with $7.4B. What will the future hold?