Cooper Workshop: Making sense of it all

Last week's workshop covered how to interview potential users, with the end goal of identifying their core values, ...

the rock weekly – 7/25

It was a week of deep focus here at Rock Health with the usual smattering of amazing visitors. Our topics this ...

Listening to Your Users

In theory we all know that we should listen to our users... but how do you listen to users when you don't have any?

bringing the food revolution to medical prep

By Leslie Ziegler (more…)

HealthFoo Recap

Last weekend a group of us Rock Healthers trekked to Boston for the first ever Health Foo.   Health Foo is a ...

Cooper Workshop: Research, research, research

Last night marked our second design workshop with Cooper, and we covered research, research, research. Our ...

the rock weekly 7/18

It's hard to believe that a whole month has skipped by since we opened our doors. Last week was action packed, with

women rocking health

Check out XX in Health:

quantifying sex, dating & disease

By Leslie Ziegler Go ahead. Giggle at the article Sexual Activity Tracked by FitBit Shows Up in Google Search ...

Cooper Workshop: The Process of Design

Week one of our nine week design crash course with Cooper Design kicked off with a bang last night. The Cooperistas

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